C&D - Hot weather? Here's how to keep your pet cool

Hot weather? Here's how to keep your pet cool

Just like humans, animals also struggle with hot weather - often even more than we do. But how can you protect your beloved pet from the sun? Here are some essential tips to help keep your pets cool and safe during extreme heat.

How do I know if my pet is struggling with the heat?

Pets with a reduced appetite, rapid breathing, and lethargy are likely struggling with the heat. This is especially noticeable in dogs - they only have sweat glands in the pads of their paws, which means they may leave visible wet paw prints on the ground.


The most obvious solution: water…

Drinking water is essential for both humans and animals - that’s a well-known fact. During hot weather, it’s even more important to pay extra attention to hydration.


Make sure to refresh the water in drinking bowls regularly, as warm temperatures can quickly make it unappealing to drink. It’s also a good idea to place multiple water bowls around the house, especially for cats. Alternatively, you can opt for one of our pet water fountains, which encourage both cats and dogs to stay hydrated.


 … and even more water

Besides drinking water, many pets also benefit from a cooling spot. Consider setting up a small pet-friendly pool where your pet can decide when to take a refreshing dip. We offer special pools designed for pets, ensuring they stay cool and comfortable.


For dogs, we also have unique water-filled toys that provide both hydration and fun - perfect for keeping them entertained and refreshed during hot weather!


Preventing sunburn

Just like humans, animals can also get sunburned - especially those with white or light-colored fur. Sensitive areas include the back, ears, and nose. Hairless dogs and cats need extra protection and should be kept out of direct sunlight as much as possible.

To keep your pet safe, use pet-safe sunscreen, specially designed to be non-toxic for dogs and cats. Also, be mindful of hot asphalt - pavement heats up quickly and can burn your pet’s paws in no time. Always check the ground temperature before taking them for a walk!

Provide cool spaces

Make sure your pet has a cool place to rest. Providing plenty of shade both indoors and outdoors is essential. If the heat becomes unbearable for your pet, consider using a cooling mat, which allows them to cool down comfortably.

For dogs, we also offer special cooling collars, designed to help regulate their body temperature during hot weather.


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