C&D - Overweight in dogs and cats, don't underestimate this problem.

Overweight in dogs & cats, don't underestimate this problem.

Sometimes you see dogs or cats that are so overweight that you immediately feel sorry for them. The unhealthiness is evident. However, it’s not just these extreme cases that face issues. Even mild overweight can already cause significant problems, both in the short and long term.

Dangers of overweight

Animals with a healthy weight not only live longer, but their quality of life is also significantly better. Obesity in dogs and cats can lead to numerous conditions that are highly damaging in the long run, such as diabetes and heart problems. However, some issues can immediately affect your pet’s well-being. These include poor skin and coat health, breathing difficulties, and mobility problems.


What is a healthy weight?

The ideal weight for your dog or cat depends on the breed. However, it's helpful to understand the weight ratio between pets and humans. For a small dog, one kilogram is equivalent to seven kilograms in a human. For a cat, one kilogram equals a staggering 16 kilograms! So, if your cat is about two kilograms overweight, it might not seem alarming at first. But when you realize that this is the equivalent of a person carrying an extra 32 kilograms, it certainly gives you something to think about.


A quick check

There are a few things you can check to determine if your pet might have a weight problem.
A pet with a healthy weight:
- allows you to feel its ribs with a flat hand while standing upright
- has a clearly visible waist
- has a smooth, shiny coat
- can easily jump onto higher surfaces (for cats)
i- s playful and energetic (for dogs).


Working towards a healthier weight

It probably won’t surprise you, but the main cause of overweight in dogs and cats is improper nutrition and/or overeating. Combined with too little physical activity, this quickly leads to an overweight pet. That’s why it’s essential that your dog or cat eats the right, healthy food in properly measured portions. Additionally, make sure your pet has the opportunity to run and play outside. Encourage playful behavior by actively engaging in play with your pet.


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