C&D - Why well-balanced puppy food is crucial

Why well-balanced puppy food is crucial

A new puppy in the house is fantastic. Just think of that clumsy playfulness and endless cuteness! Like any other young animal, a puppy has special nutritional needs. After all, nearly all of its energy is devoted to growth and body development. How can you ensure that your puppy gets the best start in life, growing into a healthy and happy dog?

Special puppy food for healthy growth

The first few months of your little four-legged friend's life play a crucial role in their overall development. It is essential that they receive the right amount of specific nutrients to grow and become stronger. And this doesn’t just apply to their muscles, bones, and coat but also to their brain and other organs.


Preventing complaints

A second reason to choose special puppy food is to prevent complaints. Your young pup's digestion is quite sensitive and can easily be disrupted. Diarrhea, cramps, and flatulence are therefore not uncommon. With the right nutrition, you can minimize these discomforts to an absolute minimum.


What’s in good puppy food?

High-quality puppy food primarily contains a significant amount of protein. However, not all proteins are the same. They must be easily digestible so that your puppy’s still-developing digestive system can absorb them without expending too much energy—energy that is essential for growth.  

In addition to proteins, calcium and phosphorus are also crucial building blocks in puppy food—quite literally. They are necessary for the continued development of a strong skeletal structure.  

Furthermore, the vitamins and antioxidants a puppy receives from its mother’s milk are depleted after four to twelve weeks. A good puppy food should therefore also contain sufficient immune-boosting nutrients.


How much and how often should a puppy eat?

Een goede balans is cruciaal. Een teveel aan eiwitten kan op termijn gewichtsproblemen veroorzaken. Te veel calcium en fosfor zorgen dan weer voor groeistoornissen. Het is daarom belangrijk om de voedingsadviezen op de verpakking van het puppyvoer nauwkeurig op te volgen. We kunnen natuurlijk niet alle honden over een kam scheren. Wel is het zo dat ze allemaal nog een kleine maag en gevoelig spijsverteringsstelsel hebben. Daarom kunnen ze best niet te veel in een keer eten. Verdeel het voer over drie tot vier maaltijden per dag. Vanaf de leeftijd van zes maanden kan je dit geleidelijk beginnen te verdelen over twee maaltijden per dag.

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